Friday, March 31, 2006

The Internet Am N33T

Recently of course.

In the last 48 hours:
1. Mike has made a brilliant and comicly pertinent modification to a Mac Hall comic. Awesome
2. I'm going to drop my math class, because of a really, really stupid-dumb mistake.
3. I'm starting to think I just got swindled something fierce on an order I placed last week.
4. I will be making that ZELDA+COMMUNISM=??? shirt AS SOON AS I find my iron-on media
5. I assure you: Andrew and Collette: I will have plenty of my own hangers to break, so you won't have to worry about any kind of massive hanger genocide
6. Overcompensating features a comic with Gynostryker (The natural enemy of sexism thursdays, I suppose). The name, I swear, sounds like something completely different. Seriously, change one letter, and it's the name of a (probably quite very attractive) theropod zoid.

I'm going down to Broomfield today to deliver something to parents, then I'm coming right back up on Saturday morning.

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