Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Take a shit when you're sittin' on top o' the world

You know what middle east? Go fuck yourself.
Completely. If you want to start the end of the world, you just go ahead and do that, just don't involve the rest of us. Because we don't want any of it.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Oh Shit

Never, ever loan money to parents who are bad with money. Ever.
I loaned my mother $100 more now, and I just realized that this makes MY moving situation substantially tighter than before. I think I'm going to have to take it back now. Goddamn it.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Moving Soon

Parents got back into town today, 2 hours early I might add... (WTF is up with that?)

I'm currently waiting for Andrew to finish whatever it is he is doing so Mike and I can get the freaking hell out of here. It is very awkward.

Had I that two hours, then I could have checked over everything and made sure things were in ideal order. And thus dissolved some of that awkwardness. SOME, not all, mind you.

I hate how my parents are after trips. They can get so strange.

16 days till apartment time.

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