Monday, February 27, 2006

An empty apartment.

Well, I'm finally out of the Aggie Village apartment.
I'm sitting here at the table and the apartment is very empty. It is very cinematic.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Don't Click this Link!


I told you not to click it!

Now your feeble normal brains will suffer.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Laptop Stare Phenomena

Is what happens when you have either something brightly colored on your screen, an unusual windows skin, or an unusual interface (like for FL) and people walking behind you stop, sometimes for minutes at a time, and stare at your computer.

Now, I already get looks for having the "Your Entire Family is made of Meat!" sticker as is...

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Just in case

In the unlikely event that nature is a sentient, anthropomorphic being capable of reading blogs, then I need to inform it of something:

1. When I receive my utility heating bill this month, I will expect a payment from you to cover the increase in cost as a result of your arctic bitch-fit this past week.
2. You owe me about $10 in gas expended to warm up my car.

I will accept verifyable check or cash. If payment is not received than I will appeal to God to revoke your winter weather privliges (permanently).
You will be responsible for all divine legal costs.

Have a nice f***ing day, nature. I know I haven't \_/

Friday, February 17, 2006

Lava lamp peace sign

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My lava lamp made this after the wax cooled.
Oddly fitting, for a lava lamp isn't it?

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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Grandiose Opulance

Boing Boing had a post about the world's most expensive dessert, a sundae with the most expensive variations of everything you might normally find in a sundae, plus a bunch of more expensive food items, PLUS expensive non-food items that are edible, like 23Kt edible gold leaf.

I didn't even know you could EAT gold.

... a large part of me kinda hopes eating gold causes cancer.
Eating gold seems to be one of the most intentionally wasteful things one can ever do. I mean, this is something that is worth money. Money that could be invested, money that can feed a family of four for a month (this is gold, after all), money that could continue to circulate through the economy as it should. And somebody came up with the idea of *eating* it? basically inevitably disposing of it along with bodily waste?
(I know gold leaf is very thin and not much in the way of quantity of gold, but still: Really, it is pretty dumb)

It's things like this that always push me back over to the far left.

Saturday, February 11, 2006


The Piano Tuner of Earthquakes comes out in theatres FEBRUARY 17th. I'll be lucky to find a theatre in Colorado that will be playing it.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

You're Going Down, Oh Mr. Bus driver sir!

Route 7, the one I take to class everyday was late today
Very, very late.
It's a good thing I have a car now, because I would have been late for the math test I spent HOURS studying for. That would have been unpleasent.

I'm not pointing any fingers, but Mr. Transfort Driver sir, I am looking in your direction...

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