Tuesday, March 07, 2006
I Have No Faith in DRM
Aside from the whole fair-use and trust arguments:
As it is being implemented right now, the whole point of Digital Rights Management is lost in a tangled logical mess of legal pit-falls and industry-crushing bylaws. As it is right now, DRM serves only one purpose: To make the legal industry unreasonably wealthy at the expense of another legitimate, economy-driving industries that which a lot of people have stock and stake in.
This is not fair.
Thus far, DRM's implementation has been completely absurd. Sony's DRM is packed with mal-ware, and therefore: a dangerous and inferior product. Now Intel is saying "if you use our DRM, and it gets cracked, you have to pay our lawyers 8 million dollars"...
There's a selling point... Buy our product so you CAN BE LIABLE to pay a lot of money....
Companies that do this are supposed to go out of business, WHO THE HELL actually purchases these products?! HOW IS THIS SELLING AT ALL?
Are the record company's executives COMPLETELY INSANE?!
If DRM (as it is now) does manage to stop piracy, it will manage to make the electronics devices of the future *completely inoperable* and probably make the electronics industry (which employs millions of people, through manufacturing, R&D, marketting and retail) suffer tremendously in lost revenue. What a way to kick an economy in the balls...
As it is being implemented right now, the whole point of Digital Rights Management is lost in a tangled logical mess of legal pit-falls and industry-crushing bylaws. As it is right now, DRM serves only one purpose: To make the legal industry unreasonably wealthy at the expense of another legitimate, economy-driving industries that which a lot of people have stock and stake in.
This is not fair.
Thus far, DRM's implementation has been completely absurd. Sony's DRM is packed with mal-ware, and therefore: a dangerous and inferior product. Now Intel is saying "if you use our DRM, and it gets cracked, you have to pay our lawyers 8 million dollars"...
There's a selling point... Buy our product so you CAN BE LIABLE to pay a lot of money....
Companies that do this are supposed to go out of business, WHO THE HELL actually purchases these products?! HOW IS THIS SELLING AT ALL?
Are the record company's executives COMPLETELY INSANE?!
If DRM (as it is now) does manage to stop piracy, it will manage to make the electronics devices of the future *completely inoperable* and probably make the electronics industry (which employs millions of people, through manufacturing, R&D, marketting and retail) suffer tremendously in lost revenue. What a way to kick an economy in the balls...