Saturday, July 09, 2005

Old Flash Madness

So here are links to the majority of things from the all-too-short-lived 'animutation' movement in flash animation back in 2000-2002.

These are among what I consider the most timeless and best pieces from that movement.
The taking of Japanese songs and mis-interpreting them into english phrases which make no sense accompanied by spastic, low-grade yet highly satirical graphics.

Hyakugojyuuichi (The original thing that started this particular generation of flash animation)
-The Hyakugojyuuichi Tribute (It has humorous moments, but the rap and incessant, inside-joke easter-egging sucks balls)

(One of the funniest mis-literations of a Japanese song I've ever seen or heard.

Yatta! (The pinnacle of the movement. This is the finest piece the animutation flash movement created. It is also among the last)
-The Yatta website, with links to everything Yatta, including MP3s of the song, a remix, a karaoke version and a link to VeryLowSodium's fine flash animation.

I personally beleive that while Niel Cicierga's Hyakugo' was influential, by far the best amateur flash animator of this short-lived fad by far was VeryLowSodium. That's because most of his humor was more widely appealing. Before his work, most stuff like this relied heavily upon stupid inside jokes and the kind of masteurbatory self-credentializing that you will see in 'Hyakugojyuuichi Forever!'. Where very little actually makes sense to people outside of that particular individual's circle of friends.

My conclusion:
Most American Rap sucks, because of it's egregious lack of respectability and modesty.
And VeryLowSodium was better than Cicierga.

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