Monday, April 18, 2005

Yay Music

I made a new song.
It has words, and lyrics and a chorus and stuff.
It is the most conventional song I've made (by that structure)I warn you, it is very (VERY) LCD-Soundsystem-esque.The influence is overpoweringly obvious (from my persepctive, at least)It is called "Suckitude"Go here and check it out:

It is about rural America, and as you may have gleaned from the title of the song. It is does not paint a very favorable picture of it. More specifically, it's about how much I really, really don't like Murphy's taste in stuff, and how new-pop-country music makes me quesey for some unknown reason.

And yes, I'm a terrible poet, an even worse lyricist (songwritter) and even more vastly terrible singer (Muical spoken-word speaker, in this case)

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