Sunday, October 07, 2007

Diagnostic: Holiday Season 2007

This is prompted by the fact I just saw a commercial for a christmas movie on tv.
At the beginning of October. WTF

The current trend is christmas marketting seems to be an 'expand the season' approach which is sure to cause some kind of malthusianesque business disaster or something at some point, when they start expecting people to push Black Friday up to mid september and... gasp, it doesn't work at all.
But this years current forerunner for Seasonal Lameness is:

Advertising a highly seasonal movie TWO MONTHS before it is relevent, now that's brilliant. I don't even remember the name of it, all I remember is Santa, snow, elf horseshit and a lot of guys getting hit in the balls. Interest level = 0

Thursday, September 27, 2007


I don't care if you think it's ugly, its more interesting than the ugly shit-crap we made over here.
At least they have windows, and lights, and you know... patterns. Patterns that don't look like the interior of vintage coffins, or like total boring shit.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Retrofuturism Marches On

Whatever happened to aluminum-and-neon postmodernism?

There are two things we need in the next 10 years, and if we don't accomplish them, then we have failed as America.
They are:

1. Get the hell back to the moon, damn it.

2. Aluminum and neon robot sex.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

NSFW enforced

According to this we should all be plastering little disclaimer icons all over anything we put on the interenet informing those who can't identify the obvious that something is 'civil content' or not.

That's great, next all we need is an Ayatohllah of the internet and then maybe we'll also take a hint from the PRC and start stealing people from their homes and chopping their balls off for saying "I disagree with the president".

Slippery fucking slope, Tim.

We already have a way of warning someone if something is offensive: ever heard the term NSFW?

Sunday, February 11, 2007

now Andrew will probably tear this apart

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Summaries of Childrens' Books

Here's something fun. Summaries of those books used to teach kids how to read in elementary school. The ones that are barely 10 pages in length with 16-point font. Looking back, their simplicity is simply astounding.

For example, the book that was either constantly checked out, or stolen from my elementary school's library:
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

The english alphabet becomes animate and uses it's new found life to race to the top of some tree in correct sequence... I'll spoil the ending: THE TREE BREAKS, okay?

This next book got lost in some kid's desk for most of the year:
Round as a Pancake

Bunch of stuff happens to imply a circular shape. That's it.

I was in primary school in the early nineties, when SNES and dinosaurs were popular so we read:

Bunch of kids hang out with some sauropod, some stuff happens. I don't remember if at the end they have a birthday party or if he DIES. Maybe both.

Monday, January 01, 2007

I should've called this video something more profound

I haven't made a creative, art-purpose video since that dinky little RT93 commercial (which I was very proud of at the time) in December 2003.

(Actually: I haven't sucessfully made *any* kind of video since then until now.)

Well, I finished a music video last night, (December 30th).
It is for a song called "Put The Sugar In The House),
and it is composed of heavily edited and spliced-up flickery black-and-white public-domain footage from some newsreels on the moon-shot and revival of organisms as well as glitchy, heavily spliced up snippits from a beautiful, stunningly surreal Fritz Lang film, "Destiny".

The song consists of lyrics that my brother came up with being spoken by a speech synthesizer mixed in with some synth stuff. I'm not sure what genre it is.

So it's listed under the IDM genre on SoundClick of course!
(because when you're not sure where to put it... it's probably IDM)

I'm really excited about this, because this is not only the first video I've made in 3 years, it's also the first music video I've put together for a song that I made.
(I'm not counting that "No W" video I made in 2004, because it was all still icons and simple motion graphics, and didn't actually have any footage in it.)

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